The photos above are pictures of Buckmister Fuller's geodesic dome the Epcot in 1967 and The Buckydome home of Buckmister Fuller and his wife Anne.
R. Buckminster Fuller spent much of the 20th Century looking for ways to improve human shelter by: Applying modern technological know-how to shelter construction. Making shelter more comfortable and efficient, and Making shelter more economically available to a greater number of people. (quoted from the Buckmister Fuller Institute.org.)
A dome at Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica, California Nov. 2005. Mass ensemble and o2 Creative solutions present show inside a musical geodesic dome.
The ChicagoTribune is featuring an article about the Chicago Architectural club getting ready to present a exhibition presenting ideas and philosphy- Buckmister Fullers dome. MCA's show on Buckminster Fuller opens window into inventor's creative mind. " Do more with less," Fuller preached, in contrast to Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's mazim of "less is more".
"Buckminster Fuller Staring with the Universe" which opens Saturday at the Chicago's Museum of Contemporary Art.
- My objective in featuring Buckmister Geo-dome is to give a brief history on the man and his invention,
- Show examples
- Draw a plan and views of the Geodeic Dome and a scale model.
- Show how this type of architectural style can be used today.
- I am presenting two different projects for your approval.
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