The Kathleen Clay Edwards Library is located in the 98 acre Price Park, which includes a bird and butterfly meadow, and reading garden, walking trails, ponds and wetlands. The library has an extensive collections of nature, gardening and environmental resources for children and adults. Bird and butterfly meadow is 2.5 acres of sloping hillside. Price Park is dedicated Land Conservancy members Jean and Bob Mccoy and Carolyn and Don Allen.
Greensboro Parks and recreation, Stormwater Management, and Piedmont Land Conservancy collaborated to use material called GrassPave, an interlocking frid filled with gravel and soil and grass grown into it to create pervious parking surfaces near the meadow. This surface will reduce untreated rainwater runoff from flowing directly into the nearby creek. This creek was previously eroded but with the help of North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement, and the City of Greensboro buffer plants have been added and reconstruction to the stream for a more stable condition.
Above show the south end of the building and a draft drawing of the building. This Library was built and opened in 2004. Teague, Freyaldenhoven & Freyaldenhoven architects and planners of Greensboro, N C. constructed this building and site.
Spacious reading room for children and a patio on the southeast side of the building. Floor plan of the building and various views picture below.
- This is just an overview of how I plan to present this Environmental Library.
- The construction plans
- Why was it built
- Who were the architects and what kind of work have they previously done
- What makes this library different from other libraries in the county or country.
- A plan drawing and elevated drawing of the building will be presented.
- Also a scale model of the building and the surrounding area.
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